Technical newsletter n°6

New Version of our ‘Control for i’ and new release for’Flash for i’

Edito from Pascal Ruckebusch


M81 technical newsletter provides you with important information about our products updates.

1. New release V5.08 for ‘Flash for i’ (End of March 2025)

See below for details

2.**New version V4.01** for ‘Control for i’ (17 MAR 2025).

Version 4 introduces the possibility of encrypting communication between the monitoring product and IBM i partitions, a new module for producing a System and Application Report, an improvement in security of access to the product via authorisation lists, as well as several new commands or improvements to existing commands. (See below for full list of change).

This new version officially confirms the successive upgrades we made in a “DevOps” process on the product, over the past 7 years(1).
The upgrade to V4.01 is free for all existing customers with a maintenance contract.

You can download the latest versions of our products on the M81 Downloads Webpage(2).
It is not necessary to update (3) to the latest release, but you can take advantage of new useful features, and upgrading usually takes only about 10 to 15 minutes.

Best regards
Pascal Ruckebusch

(1)V3.0 Control for i was launched in January 2018, 28 updates have been released since. We typically release updates 3 to 4 times a year on our products. Our objectives are to include customer feedback, to address major technical advancements in the market, and to continually enhance the usability and stability of our products.

(2)To access files in this webpage, please provide your email and password. If needed, you can automatically regenerate your password. If you do not have any password, please fill the contact form with ” Profile request for download”  checked.

(3)To determine the current version and release of the product you are using, use the command FLDSPINF for Flash for i and CTDSPINF for Control for i.

Flash for i – New Release End of March 2025 (Documentation= V5.08)

Remember: ‘Flash for i‘ allows you: to do Backups without disrupting production | to schedule Multiple daily instant recovery copies | to create or refresh Test environments instantly.

A new release of ‘Flash for i’ will be available by the end of March at (Intranet/ Download page).

The new features since the V5.01 release ( Oct 2023) are the following:

Cloud Compatibility: Support for IBM and Google Cloud.

Snapshots & SafeGuarded Copy: Improved snapshot management and new validation tests for secure copies.

Enhanced Centralized Management: Major improvement for this module that has been rewritten, optimized transfers between partitions.

Security & Reliability: Strengthened authorizations, improved SSH error handling, bug fixes.

New Practical Features:

  • Automatic time update option for cloned partitions.
  • Improvement of the installation section in the documentation.

For a listing of with all changes :
Version française: ici


Control for i – new version V4.01- 17 MAR 2025(Documentation= V4.01)

Remember: ‘Control for i‘ allows you to be more proactive: you can integrate the IBM i into your existing monitoring tool by adding more than 180 plug-and-play controls.

A new Version of ‘Control for i’ is available at (Intranet/ Download page).

 The new features of this version are the following:

Secure connection between the monitoring server and the agent, New version of plugins

New ‘System and Application Report’ module. Generates a detailed report on several aspects of the system (Disk Space/ Memory Usage/ Hardware Incidents/Messages analyzed by the Scenarios Module/ Backups and Volumes Available with BRMS/Status and Number of Jobs in JOBQ/Status of Mimix Application Groups…)- Requires a specific activation key

Agent improvements and fixes: Optimized agent processing (CTAGENT job) and DoS attack protection.

New ‘Scenarios’ module. Analyzes MSGQ, BRMS, or system logs messages and triggers actions. New features: RESET option, New PGM3  type (incl. date and time of the message), direct access to scenario alerts from CTWRKMSG command.  Requires a specific activation key
  New license key format: Move to a 42-digit format. You can generate a temporary key on (Intranet / Key Generator), or request a permanent key via

Enhanced access permissions: All objects in the CTL4I library are now protected by an authorization list.

✅ Documentation Enhancements
✅ Amendments and Fixes

This version 4.01 therefore brings major changes, in particular with:
✔️ Better license management (new key format).
✔️ Two new modules: System/Application Scenarios & Reports.
✔️ Enhanced security (authorizations, connection encryption, protection against attacks).
✔️ Numerous fixes and optimizations to improve stability and performance

Compatibility with IBM i V7R3, V7R4 and V7R5.End of evolution for V7R1 and V7R2 (latest supported version: 3.22 as of September 6, 2023).

For details of these features and all the ones added in previous releases: 


Version française : ici

All the M81 team
wishes you a good day

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