Technical newsletter n°5

New Releases for Flash for i and Control for i

Edito by Pascal Ruckebusch

Hello ${Contacts.First Name}

M81 technical newsletter provides you with important information about our products updates.

New release V5.05 for Flash for i (26 AUG 24)


2. New release V3.28 for Control for i (30 AUG 24).

See below for details

You can download the latest versions of our products on the M81 Downloads Webpage(1).

It is not necessary to update (2) to the latest release, but you can take advantage of new useful features, and upgrading usually takes only about 10 to 15 minutes.

Best regards
Pascal Ruckebusch

(1) To access files in this webpage, please provide your email and password. If needed, you can automatically regenerate your password. If you do not have any password, please fill the contact form with ” Profile request for download”  checked.

(2) To determine the current version and release of the product you are using, use the command FLDSPINF for Flash for i and CTDSPINF for Control for i.

Flash for i – New Release August 26 (Documentation = V5.05)

A new release of Flash for i is available at (Intranet/ Download page).
The new features since the V5.0 release ( Oct 2023) are the following:

  • Support for Snapshots or “Policy based FlashCopy” on SVC and FlashSystem. This is the new technology that will replace the old FlashCopy
  • New FL_TFR job in the FLASH4I subsystem 
  • Licence key management more flexible
  • Environments: New option for updating the time of Clone partition
  • Changes related to SafeGuarded Copy, including the ability for testing SGC disks
  • Changes to installation documentation
  • New version of central management
  • Modifying exchanges with the PROXY partition
  • Warning to users of the Proxy and Central Management modules
  • Various corrections and improvements 

For a listing of with all changes per release, download document here
Version française: ici

We remind you that since OCT 23, a new version V5 is available for Flash
for i.
Main change vs V4 being securing access to product objects with 2 authorization lists. For OS Versions 7.1 and 7.2, Release V4.14 is the last that will be supported, and will no longer evolve.


  • Refer to the chapter “3.1 Change of version” of the Flash for i documentation
  • If the product is installed in version 4, changing the version does not require any special operation, except regarding the access rights to the product.
  • The V4 key remains valid in V5.


Control for i – new release – August 2024 (Documentation = V3.28)

A new release of Control for i is available at (Intranet/ Download page).

The new features since the V3.23 release ( Nov 23) are the following:

  • CTAGENT, Fix for commands not compatible with Threads
  • Fix for messages CTL8111
  • CTCHKBRM, New SYSNAME parameter
  • CTCHKBRM, Only local volumes taken into account
  • CTCHKBRM and CTCHKPRB, different severity levels
  • CTCHKBRMNT,  New command:  BRMS network monitoring
  • CTCHKBRMTA, Compare BRMS location and volumes in a tape library
  • CTCHKDTAA, New command: Check numeric values
  • CTCHKEDH,  New command:  Check IO mode
  • CTCHKFMW,  New command:  Check Server firmware UAK and status
  • CTCHKJOBDU, New OMITJOB parameter
  • CTCHKJOBQ, Improved algorithm
  • CTCHKJOBQ, List of JOBQ to select or to omit
  • CTCHKJOBQ,  New command:  Alert if jobs have been in JOBQ for too long
  • CTCHKJOBS, Possibility of omitting users and current users
  • CTCHKTAP, Check for the presence of a tape
  • CTWRKMSG, Modification of scenario activation
  • CTSNDCMD, improved operation
  • Remote upgrade, fix a problem that has been introduced in June
  • Various fixes and improvements

For details of these features and all the ones added in previous releases 

Download Document (listing of all changes per release) :here
Version française : ici

 All the M81 team
wishes you a good day

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